Meet Max: Queer Content Creator & Dylan Alcott Scholarship Recipient

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Gold Coast student Max Bartolozzi received a surprise phone call from disability advocate Dylan Alcott with some life changing news this week.

Alcott made the personal call to inform Max that he was the latest recipient of a scholarship that would fund the entire of Max’s university degree.

And Max was over the moon about the news.

Dylan Alcott Scholarship Recipient

Eighteen year old Max Bartolozzi lives a full and fabulous life on the Gold Coast where he currently studies business at Griffith University, Max also happens to be a gay man who lives with Cerebral Palsy.

Many months ago Max applied for a scholarship through the Dylan Alcott foundation to assist with his university studies. Much to his surprise he recently received a call informing him he had been successful.

Max spoke to the Star Observer about the news and what it means for him and his future career.

“Other than than the obvious benefits of easing my financial concerns by paying for my courses I feel like the scholarship has given me the confidence and determination to push forward with uni, even when it gets really challenging” he says.

“It kind of puts everything I’m going through now and everything I’ve endured in the past really into perspective and I’m just really happy I’ve chosen this path. It’s definitely given me confirmation as well, like I was meant to study at Griffith” he gushed.

But it wasn’t just the news that had Max excited, during the call to get the news he was surprised by an actual face to face call with Dylan Alcott himself.

“Getting to speak with Dylan was so unfathomable like when I first got the text I thought they were just giving me a call to talk about the potential me getting the scholarship and what it would entail, I didn’t expect to be receiving it on the spot so I was extra shocked and then to have Dylan come in and surprise me on the call. It was just unbelievable it was such a nice relaxed chat too, he was so laid back and chill and I could tell he really wanted to get to know more about me and why I wanted to apply for the scholarship.”

While Max is still in his first year at university studying Business he’s still making decisions about where to take his future carer.

“When I finish university I don’t have a clear plan yet, I’m thinking of choosing marketing as my major and something in the marketing field when I finish up or maybe just sticking with content creation. I’m pretty set on media and being in the public so something in that realm. I have a lot to think about before I choose a definitive career path though.”

Making Content and Living Life

However it seems Max may follow in the footsteps of the likes of Dylan Alcott as he forges his own path with digital content creation and advocacy.

“Since graduating I’ve become really passionate and invested in the content I put out there” he says of his work.

“You’re going to see me post a lot more frequently. At the moment I’m experimenting with different types of series, I’m going to be speaking about navigating life with CP, my regular food reviews, album reviews, just all the things that I’m passionate about. It’s going to be like a peek into my world.”

Image: Supplied

But his most passionate projects are about sharing his story about living with cerebral palsy and living as a gay man and he can’t wait to share more of it.

“One my series that I’m currently making is called Normalise that’s the one I’m most excited to share with everybody” he shares.

“So that’s going to touch on living life with CP, my general experiences and my experience in the LGBT community as well, so it’s going to tie all of those somewhat confronting topics into one in a really light hearted way. But yes there will be lots of gay things coming up!”

You can watch the full interview with Max and Dylan Alcott below and follow his social media for all his future content.

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“My glamorous sister says this plugin is glamorous.”

“Gold Coast student Max Bartolozzi received a surprise phone call from disability advocate Dylan Alcott with some life changing news this week. Alcott made the personal call to inform Max…”

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