Meet The Woman Solving The Two Trillion Dollar Counterfeit Problem For Brands

Counterfeit products are a two trillion dollar headache for brands. These knockoffs rob brands of revenue and negatively affect brand reputation.

Last fall the NYPD announced the largest-ever seizure of counterfeit goods in U.S. history – 219,000 counterfeit bags, clothes, shoes and other luxury products – valued at $1.03 billion – were taken off the market.

But that’s just the tip of the counterfeit iceberg. So-called “super fakes” – luxury knockoffs that are nearly impossible for the ordinary consumer to discern from the real things because they’re often made in the same factories and with the same materials as the authentic products – are popping up everywhere.

But these counterfeiters are about to have their comeuppance. Thanks to tech visionary Natasha Franck, and her digital ID company EON, brands and consumers alike can now quickly and easily discern real products from fake ones, providing enormous benefits to brands and peace of mind to consumers.

Bringing Digital IDs To Retail

Franck spent years developing smart cities, where she used technology to make cities more connected, sustainable, and efficient. Her work in this space relied on “digital twins”, or virtual representations of objects or systems that are updated with real-time data. Google Maps, for example, is a digital twin of the transportation system. Franck quickly realized the tremendous commercial and sustainable value that digital twins could have in the retail industry and that inspired her to build EON.

EON uses digital IDs to create a digital twin for any product. Digital IDs are smart labels on products, such as QR codes or NFC chips, that can be scanned with a smartphone. The IDs record detailed information at every stage in a product’s life, including where it was made, what it’s made of, transportation history, and purchase, repair, resale and recycling history, making the item trackable from end to end. It basically creates a digital product passport, or CRM, for products.

The information in these IDs is critical to brands looking to authenticate products for resale and to be able to do so at scale. Top brands including Coach, Chloé, Gabriella Hearst, Mulberry, H&M and Pangaia have already joined forces with EON to provide transparency, traceability and, in some cases, circularity for their products.

Digital IDs – Empowering Authenticated Resale for Brands

EON is empowering brands to more easily access the massive resale market – estimated to hit almost $15 billion by 2027 – with authenticated products.

While customers are engaging in resale at record growth rates, most brands are not yet benefiting financially from the second-market transactions of their products. Bain & Company estimates that by 2030, luxury brands could increase profit margins by 40% simply by reselling their own products, effectively getting a second bite of the apple. To do this, brands must create their own revenue generating resale channels and make it easy for consumers to get their products into these channels.

EON’s digital IDs do just that. These IDs empower brands to pre-program their products for easy listing on the brand’s resale site, mitigating risk of fraud and providing additional revenue opportunities. If a brand doesn’t have its own resale channel, products can also be pre-programmed to list with third party marketplaces. This is all possible because EON has created the world’s first and largest integrated app ecosystem, the EON Exchange, that brings together, among other things, leading resale marketplaces such as The RealReal, Vestiaire Collective and thredUP and resale-as-a-service technology partners like Archive. By connecting multiple providers and partners, the technology makes it easy for brands to launch resale channels that guarantee authenticity and increase revenue and customer lifetime value.

“For luxury goods,” says Franck, “digital product IDs improve transparency, prevent the sale of counterfeits and create greater opportunities for brands to enhance the overall lifetime value of their products.”

Digital IDs – Making Authenticated Resale Easier for Consumers

Innovations in ecommerce have significantly improved the customer experience, making the process of buying products often as simple as a single click. Selling products, unfortunately, has not benefitted from the same innovation. Anyone who sells into the online secondhand market knows it’s a clunky and time-consuming process. It typically involves capturing and uploading numerous photos and manually entering copious product details.

EON’s digital IDs are a game changer for secondhand sellers, effectively removing the friction from the resale process. They make it seamless for customers to list secondhand items for resale in just a few clicks, without having to manually type in a product’s name, size, color or other details like they would have had to in the past. Customers simply scan their product’s digital ID, hit resell and instantly upload.

For consumers looking to buy resale, EON provides the transparency that has been sorely missing in the market. With a simple scan, shoppers can instantly see a product’s entire lifecycle and know if it is, in fact, authentic. Shoppers can now buy with certainty, knowing they are getting what they pay for. And brands protect their reputation by preventing the sale of counterfeits that can severely damage brand equity.

Solving an Industry Problem – Tips from an Expert

Franck honed her skills planning smart cities but successfully transferred those skills to solve a problem in retail. She shares her advice for other women looking to do the same:

  • Begin with a worthy problem. Your belief in the importance and value of solving this problem will make you indefatigable in building the solution.
  • Become a master. Study and become the world’s most competent individual in your domain. This knowledge will give you the confidence to believe in your clairvoyance.
  • Persist. Excellence is a habit. Work tirelessly to make improvements, daily, in yourself and your business. Married with time, your perceived small gains, will add up to radical change.

Resale is an enormous opportunity for brands. Those looking to drive growth must find ways to make resale easy and transparent. Franck and her team at EON have put in the work and now both brands and consumers are benefitting.

Franck believes we’ll look back on the days before products were connected with some disbelief. “With Digital IDs, when a brand sells their products to customers, it’s no longer the end of the brand and customer relationship,” she says. “It’s actually the beginning, as the product is now a two-way communication channel between brand and customer.”

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Meet The Woman Solving The Two Trillion Dollar Counterfeit Problem For Brands #Meet #Woman #Solving #Trillion #Dollar #Counterfeit #Problem #Brands

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