Merchant Navy Engineer: Family appeals for return of merchant navy engineer’s body | Agra News

Agra: The wife and mother of a 49-year-old merchant navy chief engineer aboard M.V.G.H. Nightingale who died on June 12 at Zhoushan Hospital in Zhoushan city, Zhejiang province, China, from sudden cardiac arrest, are still waiting for his body to perform the last rites.Anil Kumar’s wife Anjulata Srivastava said, “For the past 13 days, I have been trying to bring the body of my husband from China. All the formalities at this end have been completed. The Indian embassy in Shanghai is not heeding our requests. I request PM Modi and CM Yogi to help me bring the body back.”tnn

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Merchant Navy Engineer: Family appeals for return of merchant navy engineer’s body | Agra News #Merchant #Navy #Engineer #Family #appeals #return #merchant #navy #engineers #body #Agra #News

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Merchant Navy Engineer: Family appeals for return of merchant navy engineer’s body | Agra News:

Agra: The wife and mother of a 49-year-old merchant navy chief engineer aboard M.V.G.H. Nightingale …