Miss SA Natasha Joubert to replace Zozibini as host of ‘Crown Chasers’ S3

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Former Miss Universe and Miss SA Zozibini Tunzi has been replaced by the reigning Miss SA as host of the Crown Chasers season 3 reality show.

Zozi hosted the season 2 in 2023, and she nailed her role, though it appears that the relationship between the queen and the Miss SA organisers got tainted as she made their drift obvious, hence the replacement.

The first episode of the show will air on June 29, and the new host is elated for the opportunity.

“Our reigning Queen @natasha_joubert will be hosting @official_crown_chasers Season 3. 📺 Join her live every Saturday on @sabc3 at 8:30 PM (SAST) from the 29th of June until the 3rd of August as she takes us behind the scenes in the quest to find our new Miss South Africa,” the organisation announced.

The comment of the post was filled with mentions of Zozibini Tunzi, as some people requested for the former host, while others congratulated Natasha.

Source of this programme

“This is one nice extension.”

“Former Miss Universe and Miss SA Zozibini Tunzi has been replaced by the reigning Miss SA as host of the Crown Chasers season 3 reality show. Zozi hosted the season…”

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Source Link: https://fakazanews.com/2024/06/16/miss-sa-natasha-joubert-to-replace-zozibini-as-host-of-crown-chasers-s3/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=miss-sa-natasha-joubert-to-replace-zozibini-as-host-of-crown-chasers-s3

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