Music.AI Announces Deal with Cloud Platform Vultr, Projected to Make Training Four Times Faster


Music.AI has signed a deal with Vultr, a cloud platform that will initially focus on training. Photo credit: Music.AI

Business Aiming to improve the efficiency of workouts, AI-powered audio service Music.AI has officially announced a partnership with Vultr, a cloud platform developed by Constant.

Music.AI reached out about the partnership about six months after officially rolling out its AI business. The company emphasized the “ethical” nature of the services it provides, saying it has “a wide selection of proprietary AI models, as well as carefully vetted best-in-class third-party technologies.”

According to the Music.AI platform itself, which is said to process 2 million minutes of audio every day for its more than 45 million users, these tools: Separating the stemvarious effects, mastering, auto-tagging, etc. Of course, behind these products are significant development costs and additional expenses related to the overall goal of accelerating machine learning.

And many Reports While even today’s leading AI companies note that they face funding-related obstacles, the long-term winners in this rapidly evolving field will likely be those best equipped to process massive amounts of data quickly and efficiently.

With this in mind, Music.AI states that its just-completed cloud integration is “supported by Dell, with Vultr specifically powered by Dell PowerEdge XE9680 servers equipped with NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs.

In more technical terms, Music.AI’s integration with Vultr allows it to “train four times faster than before,” according to the company, which calls itself an enterprise audio intelligence platform. This capability lays the groundwork for cost-effective deployment of AI at scale, executives stressed.

Looking at the bigger picture, Music.AI says it can “seamlessly deploy and scale its models across Vultr’s 32 cloud data centers across six continents, not just North America.” And beyond training, Music.AI says the cloud provider’s resources can ultimately impact “regional coordination and global inference.”

“We’re excited to collaborate with Vultr and Dell as we develop new AI services that will revolutionize sound,” said Hugo Rodrigues, CTO of Music.AI. “With their help, we will grow and expand our enterprise business to provide cutting-edge AI solutions for a variety of applications, including stem separation and voice quality modeling.”

Despite harsh criticism from the industry about certain AI applications,Ethical AI” remains a big focus.

This week in Worldwide Independent Networks AnnouncedA collection of related guidelines on generative AI, and Randy Travis near the beginning of May Used AI released (via Warner Music) released their first new song in over a decade. Money continues to flow into AI music production, including companies like: SunIt recently raised $125 million from investors.

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“In an effort to improve the efficiency of training, AI-powered audio service Music.AI has officially announced a partnership with Vultr, a cloud platform developed by Constant. Music.AI reached out to us…”
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