New study reveals how teens grow up online: Uncovering factors that shape digital success

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A new study co-authored by Associate Professor Sophie Janicke Bowles of Chapman University’s School of Communication explores the role that new and traditional media play in promoting and influencing personality development, emotions, prosocial behavior, and well-being (aka well-being). sheds light on. ) when young.

Her research and teaching focus on positive psychology, media and new communication technologies, media and spirituality. The study was published on April 13th. Child Development Research Group (SRCD), Investigating how adolescents perceive and engage with digital communication, including connections, positive social comparisons, authentic self-expression, civic engagement, and self-control.

“This was a great research study to be a part of as we all seek more nuanced answers about how digital technology affects our children,” said Janicke Bowles. said.

Janicke Bowles’ research contributes to our understanding of adolescents’ digital flourishing (positive social media experiences) and highlights the importance of parental collaborative mediation and digital skills in promoting positive digital engagement. I am. Future interventions aimed at promoting digital flourishing should consider the role of parental guidance and support in shaping adolescents’ online experiences.

  • Adolescents who become better at digital communication over time are more likely to have parents who are tech-savvy and actively support their children in communicating online.
  • Adolescents with low digital use have less self-control over digital communication.
  • To promote digital flourishing, interventions can aim to help adolescents take control of their digital communications and encourage parents to take an active role in their adolescents’ digital communications.

These findings highlight the importance of parental influence and support in fostering positive digital communication experiences among adolescents.

In addition to her recent research, Janicke Bowles has a distinguished history of exploring the intersection of media and psychology. As a member of a research team at Florida State University and Pennsylvania State University, she received a $1.9 million grant from the John Templeton Foundation to investigate the effects of media content on self-transcendent emotions. received. Her academic journey, which spans from clinical and media psychology in Germany to mass communication in the United States, underscores her commitment to understanding the profound impact of media on the human experience.

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“New research sheds light on the role new and traditional media play in promoting and influencing young people’s personality development, emotions, prosocial behavior, and well-being (aka happiness)… ”
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