Omaha short-term rental owners still waiting on money from ‘boujee squatter’

OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – Earlier this year, a 6 News investigation revealed a self-proclaimed businessman who was accused of staying at expensive rental around Omaha with his family — without ever paying.

In an exclusive interview in March, Roberto Arcadu claimed those bills would be paid by June. That isn’t the case, though.

As most people know, short-term luxury comes at a high price.

“It can run up to $1,500 a night, so he got a really good deal,” said Kat Theo.

Kat manages a million-dollar short-term rental property south of Omaha’s Old Market where she says Arcadu spent about three months without paying rent.

“He sat there promising he’d pay back and now it’s been probably three months since then, and nothing,” Kat said. “He never kept any of his promises.”

In another short-term rental property nearby, Arcadu , his wife, and his young daughter had to be evicted by owner Patty North.

“Essentially, he got six weeks free,” North said.

Arcadu promised he’d make it right when he spoke to 6 News this past spring.

“My expectation is to be in the position of repaying everybody, definitely before the summer of this year,” Arcadu told 6 News in March. “Definitely before June. Maybe earlier.

He owes about $15,000 in total.

“Luxury he never paid for,” Kat said.

Kat says neither Arcadu nor his attorney have called to work out a payment method, but someone with interest in the case has been in contact.

“The FBI did contact me about the initial investigation to see what’s going on,” Kat said.

Patty has yet to hear form the FBI and Arcadu hasn’t called either. She says he owes her about $2,600.

“We’ve been hearing this since November,” Patty said. “He’s said [he’d pay] to multiple customers. I just can’t believe anything he says now and that’s what’s frustrating.”

In a legal filing, another short-term landlord alleges Arcadu owes them $47,000 for six months’ rent.

“I hope the FBI can investigate this seriously and put an end to these boujee squatters,” Kat said.

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Omaha short-term rental owners still waiting on money from ‘boujee squatter’ #Omaha #shortterm #rental #owners #waiting #money #boujee #squatter

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Omaha short-term rental owners still waiting on money from ‘boujee squatter’:

OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – Earlier this year, a 6 News investigation revealed a self-proclaimed businessma…