PM meets Indian businessman interested in Petrotrin refinery


Prime Min­is­ter Dr the Hon. Kei­th Row­ley met with Mr. Naveen Jin­dal, Chair­man of Jin­dal Steel and Pow­er Lim­it­ed at the Diplo­mat­ic Cen­tre to­day (Mon­day 17th June 2024).

A state­ment from the Of­fice of the Prime Min­is­ter notes that Jin­dal Steel and Pow­er is one of In­dia’s lead­ing busi­ness hous­es, with a sub­stan­tial pres­ence in steel, min­ing, pow­er and in­fra­struc­ture.

Chair­man Jin­dal’s vis­it to­day is a re­sult of Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley’s re­cent trip to In­dia where he met with sev­er­al busi­ness lead­ers and in­vit­ed them to ex­plore in­vest­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties in Trinidad and To­ba­go.

Mr Jin­dal is in­ter­est­ed in the po­ten­tial of the Petrotrin re­fin­ery and this sub­ject formed part of the dis­cus­sions at to­day’s meet­ing.

An­oth­er del­e­ga­tion of In­di­an busi­ness­men is ex­pect­ed to ar­rive in Trinidad next week.

Sev­er­al Gov­ern­ment Min­is­ters were present at to­day’s meet­ing.

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“Prime Minister Dr the Hon. Keith Rowley met with Mr. Naveen Jindal, Chairman of Jindal Steel and Power Limited at the Diplomatic Centre today (Monday 17th June 2024). A statement…”

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