‘Preying upon the most vulnerable’: Michigan mom pays $17K for a used SUV only to learn it needs $13K in repairs — why one two-word phrase means the dealer owes her nothing – MSN

‘Preying upon the most vulnerable’: Michigan mom pays $17K for a used SUV only to learn it needs $13K in repairs — why one two-word phrase means the dealer owes her nothing  MSN

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‘Preying upon the most vulnerable’: Michigan mom pays $17K for a used SUV only to learn it needs $13K in repairs — why one two-word phrase means the dealer owes her nothing – MSN #Preying #vulnerable #Michigan #mom #pays #17K #SUV #learn #13K #repairs #twoword #phrase #means #dealer #owes #MSN

Source link Google News

Source Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivAJBVV95cUxOY0RSelJOeDlIQi16cVUzQ1EtdHVPMFdKbDFyVWg0MWJ2VDB5RzZyQkszeXBEb0k0bVViX3Ztc2w3NHFuNV9pbHpwN09aNHBYT2t5cHktanYzc3J2cy1ZbWRPcW5qV18tSTB5QVpQaEV1ZWo5cWlYT2VJMlp4ODRMRlRmdXM0MzVtX1JPRXVqSjAxTjdKT1FKaEUzT3Q5NFo5a2lkR0tmY0VsaEt5MVk0NnBJX3hfcmhVRXM3bVdHQVFaTms4NHJYZC1uN2MwQ2FiY2REUmlSYURZRnBNcUNURzlTSlEwNUcxbnVoUlVZRVpkb0owMGZHZGpuUlRGSmx5TDNaNHAwZnlsZVdiWVl0NDVtNmppZGtCczhLSXFDNVJyc2U0RjhMbTg0TWl0M3JvaGRQeDBWRGo5SEFQ?oc=5

‘Preying upon the most vulnerable’: Michigan mom pays $17K for a used SUV only to learn it needs $13K in repairs — why one two-word phrase means the dealer owes her nothing – MSN:

‘Preying upon the most vulnerable’: Michigan mom pays $17K for a used SUV only to learn it needs $13…