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It is most heartening to see Finance Minister Colm Imbert suggesting that Trinidad and Tobago should buy local poultry products to strengthen food security and save foreign exchange.

We humbly request that wherever possible locally manufactured products be used in government and state agency projects. Especially when it comes to paints, although we have some very competent locally manufactured paint brands, we still often have foreign brands earmarked for government use. buildings, housing projects, etc.

The use of locally manufactured products promotes local employment and skills development, and saves foreign exchange that can be used by the Ministry of Health to supply much-needed medical supplies and medicines. Win-win for all.

Umanas Maharaj

free trade port

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“This is another flashy module!”
“It is very encouraging to see Finance Minister Colm Imbert suggesting that Trinidad should buy local poultry products to strengthen food security and save foreign exchange…”
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