Sense Chain: A new digital sense and sensory world where time is the main asset


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company arerecta unveils one of its flagship products in the development of the global digital economy. sense chain is a global digital business and entertainment network that allows everyone on the planet to make money using one of life’s primary resources: time.

The core of the network includes the following implementations: work tool:

  • Two user profiles – one for the legal entity (company) and one for the individual.
  • Main business sensory contract A contract is entered into with each user who registers on the network for the provision of SAAS.
  • System of pre-filled and signed templates sense contact Records every action on the network.
  • Algorithms for tracking and recording all transactions on the network in the user’s software application’s history options.
  • The Sense search algorithm, username, electronic wallet number or transaction number.
  • Introduction of high-speed payment system Alecta Pei Funds can be deposited and withdrawn worldwide.
  • Introducing a number of local payment methods for local businesses.
  • A simple and friendly user interface for tracking the fulfillment of business sense contracts 24/7.

“Every action in the network is recorded by the created sense contracts, starting with the direct transfer of digital currency between network participants and ending with the execution of multi-stage production contracts for the construction of industrial facilities.”

Their ambitious plans for the near future include, but are not limited to, implementing the following features:

  1. Integration with several global marketplaces.
  2. Integration with several local marketplaces.
  3. Create a workable analytical business space for each network user.
  4. Integration of all the company’s products in the field of AI into business networks.
  5. Integration of financial and tax reporting systems for network participants.
  6. Network and entertainment gaming portal integration.
  7. Integration of a unique AI sense-to-sense application for early pre-tumor diagnosis of all types of cancer.
  8. Integration of AI sense-to-sense applications for early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.

This team offers a new digital world where everyone on the planet can find their favorite job, hobby, and friends without leaving their home country.

Their digital world allows users to launch any business instantly from anywhere in the world. His two easy steps of filling out a profile and creating a sense contract allow users to quickly find experts and like-minded people around the world in minutes.

in the digital world sense chainthe best economic models of the most developed countries in the world at the moment are in place, and they focus solely on the well-being and comfort of the users.

They are creating a digital home where each user can not only work, but also shop in the most interesting global and local marketplaces and enjoy time with a variety of online entertainment.

“Every minute spent in the lives of all network participants is valuable.”

founder of arerectaEgger Mielberg.

Sense Chain Social Network: telegram | discord | X | Website


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“An elegant lady says this plug-in is cute!”
“Arllecta unveils one of its flagship products in the development of the global digital economy: Sence Chain, a global digital business and entertainment network…”
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