Talking Point: Xbox Fans, How Do You Feel About The Future Of The Brand In 2024?


Has the June showcase turned things around?

It’s no secret that 2024 has been a bit of a wild time to be an Xbox fan. We started out the year with rumours and speculation leading to a special business update podcast, while the last few months have brought numerous PS5 ports and studio closures over at Microsoft. However, this month’s showcase was an absolute banger, and it definitely feels like we’ve been back on track a little bit since the event.

So, we wanted to check in with the Pure Xbox faithful on how you’re all feeling about Xbox right now. If you were concerned leading up to the Xbox Games Showcase, have your fears now been squashed? Or do you still have questions about Microsoft Gaming and its future in leading the Xbox brand?

Here at PX HQ, we’re largely satisfied with where things are heading. Yes, multiplatform ports are seemingly becoming more normal for Xbox, and we were a bit disappointed not to get more information on this supposed handheld console earlier in the month, but the upcoming games lineup looks amazing and we have faith that Microsoft is in this for the long haul.

There certainly seems to be a bit more buzz about the brand now as well, especially since it was widely believed that Xbox and Nintendo were the clear leaders during showcase season in 2024. Again, not everything is rosy at the moment, but we certainly feel further removed from all of that doom and gloom that seemed to kick off Xbox’s 2024.

Anyway, if you’ve got opinions on all of this, go ahead and drop them down in the comments section. We want to know how you’re feeling about Xbox right now and if you’re excited about the future of the platform!

Come and tell us your thoughts about the future of Xbox down below – and please keep it respectful!

Ben is a News Writer at Pure Xbox, and is a fan of action, racing and straight-up shootin’ in any Xbox game he can get his hands on. When he’s not clutching an Xbox controller like his life depends on it, Ben spends his time listening to music that’s far too old for him, watching football on the telly and probably eating somewhere.

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“Has the June showcase turned things around?It’s no secret that 2024 has been a bit of a wild time to be an Xbox fan. We started out the year with…”

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