Tech Neck Relief: Exercises to Get Rid of Disease

Digital Products

Updated on May 18, 2024 12:59 IST

Digital Products

Performing these exercises regularly will significantly reduce the discomfort associated with tech neck and improve your posture.

Tech neck | Image: Freepik

Tech neck is a modern disease caused by prolonged use of digital devices. This manifests as pain and stiffness in the neck and upper back caused by the forward head posture when looking down at a screen. Addressing technology bottlenecks is important to prevent long-term musculoskeletal problems. Incorporating certain exercises into your daily routine can help reduce discomfort and help you live a longer life with good posture.

Digital Products neck stretch

Stretching exercises are essential to relieve the tension built up in the neck muscles. One effective stretch is the chin tuck. To do this, sit or stand tall, gently pull your head back so your ears are in line with your shoulders, hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat several times. Another beneficial stretch is the lateral neck stretch. Tilt your head to one side, bring your ears close to your shoulders, and hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat. These stretches will help stretch your neck muscles and reduce stiffness.

Neck Stretch | Image: Unsplash

Digital Products upper back strengthening

Strengthening your upper back muscles is essential to countering the effects of tech neck. Scapular contractions are a great exercise for this. Sit or stand tall, pull your shoulder blades back and forth, hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat multiple times. Another effective exercise is the prone Y raise. Lie face down on the floor and extend your arms above your head in a Y position. Keeping your head down, lift your arms off the ground, hold for a few seconds, then lower them down. This exercise targets the muscles in your upper back and improves your posture.

Digital Products improving posture

Improving your overall posture is the key to preventing tech neck. Wall angels are a great exercise to help with this. Stand with your back to a wall, feet a few inches from the wall, and arms at a 90-degree angle to your body. Slowly raise and lower your arms, keeping your arms and back in contact with the wall. This exercise improves shoulder mobility and reinforces correct posture. Plus, practicing mindful sitting can make a big difference. Place your feet flat on the floor, sit up straight, and keep your head in line with your spine. Check and correct your posture regularly throughout the day.

Improve your posture | Image: Unsplash

Digital Products mobility exercises

Mobility exercises increase flexibility and range of motion in your neck and upper back. Neck rotations are a simple but effective mobility exercise. Sit or stand tall and slowly turn your head to one side and then to the other while looking over your shoulder. Perform this exercise in a controlled manner to avoid tension. Another useful exercise is the cat and cow stretch. Kneel on all fours, arching your back like a cat, then lowering like a cow, moving slowly between positions. This exercise improves spinal flexibility and relieves tension.

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“Updated May 18, 2024 12:59 IST Tech Neck Relief: Exercises that help eliminate the disease Performing these exercises regularly can significantly reduce the discomfort associated with tech neck…”
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