The Kindle Hack That Extends Your Ebook Library Loans Without Holding Up The Wait Time

Before you give this amazing Kindle/Libby hack a go, there are few things to keep in mind. First, know that as long as you’re in airplane mode, you won’t be able to add any new books to your library until you sign online again. However, as soon as you take your device off airplane mode, the book you’ve been holding on to will disappear — so make sure you’re 100% finished with it before doing so. You also need to ensure you have another, separate device (such as a phone or tablet) connected to your Amazon/Libby accounts besides your Kindle, otherwise, you won’t be able to return the book so that another person gets access to it. 


Equally important to note is that there may be some Kindles and e-readers this hack isn’t compatible with. To make sure you’re not accidentally returning ebooks you want, try this method first with one you don’t mind being removed. Lastly, if you have an e-reader that has separate settings for Airplane mode and WiFi, you also need to ensure that the WiFi is also properly turned off or it won’t work.

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The Kindle Hack That Extends Your Ebook Library Loans Without Holding Up The Wait Time #Kindle #Hack #Extends #Ebook #Library #Loans #Holding #Wait #Time

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The Kindle Hack That Extends Your Ebook Library Loans Without Holding Up The Wait Time:

Before you give this amazing Kindle/Libby hack a go, there are few things …