Whitefield Student to Attend Merchant Marine Academy

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) today announced that Erskine Academy senior Giacomo Donato Smith of Whitefield has accepted an offer to attend the United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, N.Y. Pingree nominated Giacomo to the Academy in December.

“Acceptance to a U.S. service academy is extremely competitive and reflects highly on a student’s scholarship, community service, and character,” said Pingree. “Along with all the other Maine students I nominated, Giacomo has demonstrated an incredible commitment to serving the country and a maturity well beyond his years. I’m very proud that he was accepted to the Merchant Marine Academy and wish him the very best in his time there.”

“I have always known that military service would be in my future. My family has a long and honorable history of military service. My father, grandfather, uncles, older brothers and cousins all now serve, or have served,” Giacomo wrote in his letter requesting a nomination. “Serving in the Armed Forces is a great source of pride for my family, whose examples have inspired me to pursue the ideals of service, excellence and leadership.”

Giacomo’s parents are Stephen and Milva Smith; contact information is available on request. 

To be considered for an appointment to a service academy, applicants must be nominated by an authorized nominating source, which includes Members of Congress.


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Source Link: https://pingree.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=5216