Why gym-goers should be careful about using testosterone supplements for weight gain

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Written by Colin Mitchie conversation

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

The desire for a toned physique is what drives some amateur gym-goers. Experiments with synthetic steroids-in particular, testosterone supplements. This trend is largely driven by social media, with thousands of posts discussing how to increase testosterone levels, famous influencers touting the supposed benefits of using synthetic hormones, and even non-prescription We recommend products that anyone can purchase online.

However, while synthetic testosterone may improve your appearance in the short term, the long-term effects on your health should not be ignored.

testosterone is It plays a role in the functioning of all our organs.Both men and women produce testosterone, but men’s bodies have about 15 times more They have more circulating testosterone than women.

Testosterone not only promotes sexual development and puberty, but also helps build lean muscle mass and control bone growth. This improves our physical strength, athletic endurance, and cardiovascular health.

many factors You can increase testosterone production naturally, including through exercise, stress, and sex.

However, using synthetic testosterone supplements to increase levels has many health implications, especially when you exceed the amount produced by your body.

Initially, it may lead to an increase in sex drive and help the body Build more muscle mass For several months.that It may also cause Acne, male pattern baldness, male breast enlargement. Women may experience amenorrhea (loss of periods), increased body hair, a deeper voice, and an enlarged clitoris.

However, these It is minor compared to serious consequences The effects of long-term repeated abuse on the body.

steroid abuse change one’s mind, arteries enlarge, blood pressure increases, and arterial elasticity decreases. All of these changes cause the heart to function less efficiently and less efficiently. risk of sudden death. Cardiovascular changes persist. the majority of abusers.

damage to liver and kidneys It often occurs in people who use steroids for a long time.

Testosterone also has psychological effects, such as increased aggression. depression and anxiety.

Importantly, testosterone supplements turn off the normal functioning of this hormone in the brain. This causes hypogonadism, where the tissue that normally produces testosterone shrinks.For men, this leads to a decline in Sperm count and testicular volume.

Hypogonadism also contributes to various withdrawal symptoms.some of these Symptoms include: Depression and decreased libido – unless, of course, more testosterone is used.

Many men who abuse steroids become hypogonadal As a result, lifelong testosterone supplementation is required.

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International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Agency banned testosterone others After the 1972 Olympics. Their reasoning was that although these drugs improve physical performance, they also have serious health effects.

However, more than 40 years after their international ban, anabolic steroid use continues among some athletes. for example, 29% and 43% of professional athletes In 2021, Iranian athletes were reported to have abused these drugs. And in 2023, an Australian study of 32 athletes (mostly women) found: Approximately 43% Of those interviewed reported using drugs to enhance performance and image.

but, Now it’s just a small part global doping problem. Cosmetic use of testosterone by non-athletes who want to improve their self-confidence and appearance means: Anabolic steroid abuse now public issues.Several Report Estimate around it 1 million people In the UK, people take steroids such as testosterone.

But when the risks and harms of testosterone use are well known, why do people choose to use it and continue to use it even if they don’t? experience serious health problems? This is a question that experts have been trying to answer for years.?

Perhaps one reason is that users perceive health problems as future problems, and these problems are an acceptable risk if it means improved performance or appearance in the short term. This is because I think so.

Addiction to anabolic steroids may be a contributing factor. influence judgment Minimize awareness of potential harm.

of “Goldman’s Dilemma” You might also get some insight. From 1982 to 1995, physician and publicist Bob Goldman asked elite athletes hypothetical Faustian questions. Will they be willing to take a magic pill that will ensure they win an Olympic gold medal, but will kill them five years later?

He reported that about half of the athletes interviewed accepted this request. “Gold for Death” option. In a repeat study conducted from 2012 to 2013, The proportion is small, ranging from 7% to 14%.-For elite athletes, it is most likely that they will choose to die.

There is no denying that the abuse of testosterone and its synthetic mimics can cause harm, yet many people continue to abuse it. The international ban is It had no effect.The number of abusers who are not athletes is also increasing. more needs to be done to inform the public of the many long-term health effects.

This article is republished from conversation Under Creative Commons License.read Original work.

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“The desire for a toned physique has led some amateur gym-goers to try synthetic steroids, especially testosterone supplements. This trend is largely driven by social media, with thousands of… ”
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