Why helicopters crash more often than planes


Helicopter crashes have repeatedly made tragic news headlines and sparked debate about helicopter safety compared to airplanes. A series of recent high-profile helicopter crashes have included those involving celebrities such as: Herbert Wigwehis wife and son, Kobe Bryant and his daughter, and the latest Ebrahim Raisi It clearly highlighted this issue.

According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the crash rate for helicopters is 9.84 per 100,000 flight hours, which is significantly higher than the 7.28 crash rate for general aviation aircraft. A question arises here. Why do helicopters crash more often than planes?

High risk of collision with objects

One of the main reasons helicopters crash more often than airplanes is that their lower flying altitudes increase the risk of collisions with objects such as mountains, trees, buildings, and towers. Commercial aircraft can fly over these obstacles, but helicopters often pass through more dangerous airspace and are exposed to greater danger.

Lack of structured flight path

Unlike airplanes, which follow established flight patterns and use runways, helicopters often fly in areas inaccessible to other aircraft. This lack of structured routes and the need for frequent takeoffs and landings makes helicopters prone to accidents. Each takeoff and landing introduces new risks and increases crash rates.

Machines that are difficult to maintain

Helicopters are mechanically complex, have many moving parts, and must be meticulously maintained. It is difficult to find certified technicians with the specialized training needed to maintain these machines. This leads to improper maintenance and increases the chance of failure. Some operators cut corners to save money, which can further compromise safety.

bad weather

Flying in adverse weather conditions such as strong winds, rain, and snow is dangerous for helicopters. Unlike airplanes, helicopters cannot withstand turbulence, which reduces their ability to maneuver in bad weather. Pilots must be alert and prepared to cancel flights when faced with bad weather, but sometimes unpredictable weather can catch them off guard and lead to tragic consequences.

Requires highly trained pilots

Operating a helicopter requires advanced skill and training. Helicopters are more difficult to fly than airplanes due to their design and the need for frequent takeoffs and landings. Unfortunately, some crashes are believed to be due to pilot error, with negligence, fatigue, or disability playing a role. A well-trained and focused pilot is essential to the safe operation of a helicopter.

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“These add-ons are great.”
“Helicopter crashes are a tragic recurring news headline, sparking debate about the safety of helicopters compared to airplanes.A recent spate of helicopter crashes has garnered attention…”
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Source link: https://businesselitesafrica.com/why-helicopters-crash-more-often-than-airplanes/