‘You’re still responsible’: Man trades car into dealership. The dealership didn’t pay it off like it was supposed to – The Daily Dot

‘You’re still responsible’: Man trades car into dealership. The dealership didn’t pay it off like it was supposed to  The Daily Dot

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‘You’re still responsible’: Man trades car into dealership. The dealership didn’t pay it off like it was supposed to – The Daily Dot #Youre #responsible #Man #trades #car #dealership #dealership #didnt #pay #supposed #Daily #Dot

Source link Google News

Source Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMic0FVX3lxTE5Jb2liN0RfRG01WHUyN2tWOWRUSnZVWWlVOWNsUEVVc0F2NjVwcmhYRTdwOVVDSmJOYUdIR0NaS0tSeFhKNnd4MllBbnJvNGYtSVBuekVDaVVERlhlSkJrd2R0NEFyVF9nUDJCb2NVNzQtX3fSAXhBVV95cUxQT1pZUUlWRW4ydDJZMFFfOTJiSGctNV9CcW1wLWxpdUJJVEw3WW44VnhZdE1EYnk4bEU5YjA1SEtjYURpdkFTUUhUVGYzdlF5MWxneXJvdEd3SmpVVVllczdpVEJueWp6anpCWjY5dnVUNmNDS1MzTXE?oc=5

‘You’re still responsible’: Man trades car into dealership. The dealership didn’t pay it off like it was supposed to – The Daily Dot:

‘You’re still responsible’: Man trades car into dealership. The dealership didn’t pay it off like it…